Nutritive & Restorative Supports gut health for those suffering from oxidative stress, bogged down liver function &
This blend is designed to brew a cup of healing broth or for best benefits and more nutritive values, stew a bag in soup, stew, or while making bone or
veggie broth.
This will help remineralize nutrients you tend to be depleted of when your adrenals are on overload. Perfect for those suffering from long term stress related digestive issues & those needing too strengthen the gut tissues
3oz Bag $30 (16-20 Servings) 6oz Bag $55 (30-5 Servings)
Oyster Mushrooms (AquaPonic)
Mood boosting and aids in lowering cholesterol
Chaga ( Dual Extraction)
Helps ward off colds or seasonal illness, lowers inflammation caused by environmental and mental stress
Shiitake ( Dual Extraction & Aquaponic)
Supports digestion by supporting the liver as well as aids in lowering cholesterol
Contains all 9 essential amino acids! Loaded with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals especial high in iron
Dried Carrot
Added to enhance flavor.
Avena sativa has been used for its effects on our brain since the Middle Ages. It contains phytochemical that may improve mood and protect against stress. Super high in vitamins and minerals when simmer for 20 mins-2 hours
Cumin Seed
Warming towards digestion, improves absorption of nutrients and reduces gas. Flushes out toxic waste and relieves congestion in the gut.
Aids with digestion of fat by increasing secretion of bile. Immune system enhancing especial wonderful when warding off illness
Fennel Seed
Aids in digestion and assimilation of food as well as decreases gas
Celery Seed
Add the flavor of salt without sodium. Aids in digestion and healing to the liver and pancreas
Lemon Balm
Gentle herb that helps alleviate spasm in the gut from anxiety or stress
EMAIL FOR ORDERS : Chefnikki@authenticliving.com
Nutritive, supports gut health for those suffering from stress/anxiety and tension in the gut and mind
This blend is designed to brew a cup of healing broth or for best benefits and more nutritive values, stew a bag in soup, stew, or while
making bone or mushroom broth.
Best for super active or high stressed individuals. This will help remineralize nutrients you tend to be depleted of when your adrenals are on overload. Perfect recovery Broth or for those suffering from IBS or postpartum
3oz Bag $30 (16-20 Servings) 6.2oz Bag $55 (30-5 Servings)
Dandelion Root
Helps replenish and rejuvenate our body in the detoxification process, high in vitamin K
Gentle nervine that helps alleviate spasm & tension in the gut from anxiety & stress. If you are a shallow breather and tend to hold stress in your neck and shoulders this herb will help relax you digestion
Contains all 9 essential amino acids! Loaded with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals especial high in iron & magnesium
Raspberry Leaf
Fantastic source of iron especially those suffering from anemia. Packed with minerals and vitamins. Combined with nettle it will aid in depleted energy
Dried Carrot
Added to enhance flavor.
Milky Oats & Oat-straw
Avena sativa has been used for its effects on our brain since the Middle Ages. It contains phytochemical that may improve mood and protect against stress. Super high in vitamins and minerals when simmer for 20 mins-2 hours
Cumin Seed
Warming towards digestion, improves absorption of nutrients and reduces gas. Flushes out toxic waste and relieves congestion in the gut.
Aids with digestion of fat by increasing secretion of bile. Immune system enhancing especial wonderful when warding off illness
Fennel Seed
Aids in digestion and assimilation of food as well as decreases gas
Celery Seed
Adds flavor of salt without sodium. Aids in digestion and healing to the liver and pancreas
Improves digestion, controls gas, reduces inflammation, calms muscle spasms, and increases absorption and assimilation of nutrients